Softwerke Magdeburg

June news

Ina 6 days ago  –  zurück zum Blog

This June brought a lot of great things to Softwerke Magdeburg, with which we can happily start into the second half of the year and the month of our association weekend …


For the executive board, Till reports:

At the end of June, the board attended the award ceremony of the University of Magdeburg's Kompass competition and we were among the winners! We were honoured for our commitment to free software and our association work. The prize was endowed with € 3,000. Many thanks to the organisation of the prize and the jury for the award! And of course an even bigger thank you to our active members for their voluntary work, without which we would never have received this award. ❤️


Till also writes for the working group for technology:

The WG Technology was able to solve a problem in Nextcloud this month. As part of an update, there was a change to the way groups are transferred from account management to Nextcloud. This had the effect that people who were newly added to existing groups in account management were thrown into a new group with a new name in Nextcloud—thus we had to make some group assignments manually so that all users should now be in their appropriate groups again.

We also noticed a bug in the configuration of our account management this month: in the past, this made it possible to have multiple accounts with the same e-mail address but different account names. As this could potentially be very confusing, we have decided to make an adjustment so that each e-mail address is only accepted once. Current users are not affected by this restriction, nor has this created a security vulnerability.

In addition, the WG Technology was able to finally restore an important document for the WG Public Relations, namely the list of topics for our regulars' table.

And last but not least, the WG has become aware of a cool function in some e-mail clients called BIMI, which allows us to display our logo in compatible clients when receiving an e-mail—without the involvement of third parties. The configuration is done entirely via DNS.


For the working group for finances, Phillipp summarises:

The WG Finances reports that our cash audit took place at the end of June and was carried out successfully. We then submitted our tax declaration.


And Ina reports for the working groups for education and public relations:

The WGs Education and Public Relations met in person for the proper onboarding of our newest active member. We also tidied up and dusted off our digital structures so that we can continue to work more efficiently in future.

Following the successful realisation of the "Big Data" regulars' table as part of the 11th Eco-Social University Days at the University of Magdeburg, the WG Public Relations has prepared the upcoming regulars' table and expanded the list of topics restored by the WG Technology. In this context, we have also decided to no longer announce our plenary sessions via our major social media. In terms of content, we continued to work on improving our services—for example, all of the association's software offerings are now visible in the function bar at the top of Nextcloud and all icons and favicons are designed in Softwerke green.

The WG Education has a new workshop idea in the pipeline and is looking forward to discussing it with a new member of the association next month.


The WGs Law, Language and Moderation have nothing worth mentioning this month.


Our newsletter is always published on the last day of the month and can be subscribed to here. You can also get to know Softwerke Magdeburg live every third Tuesday of the month at our digital plenary, drop by our cosy regulars' table on the first Friday of every month, use our services, browse our website or get involved in the association.